
(Adam Lyon, October 2015, ParaView 4.4)

pvOSPRay is a ParaView plugin that uses the Intel OSPRay ray tracing framework. See http://tacc.github.io/pvOSPRay/index.html. OSPRay is supposed to be a performant and enhanced volume rendering system. It seems to make very pretty pictures. Let's try it!


See their instructions for reference to build from source. We will follow them in this section here to build it ourselves.

We need to download and build OSPRay first. See OSPray build instructions for reference. We will be using the same build infrastructure we made in our ParaView build instructions. So go to your /path/to/development/paraview directory where you have ParaView, MPI, and cmake ready to go and that the MYBASE and MYMPI environment variables are set as per those instructions. You do not need to have ParaView built, just checked out. MPI should be built and installed. You also need to have Qt installed on your system.

Get the OSPray source (note that we're changing their instructions a little to make building pvOSPRay easier),

git clone https://github.com/ospray/ospray.git OSPRay
git checkout devel  # Need latest from devel branch (tried on 2015-Oct-29)

We need the Intel SPMD compiler (ISPC). We'll get the Mac binary (not the AVX-512 variant - as far as I know the Mac CPU doesn't support that set of advanced vector extensions - though there is a Mac version of the code).

The download is from Sourceforge, so hard to script. Just download it and move it to the right place. Or this direct link may work. Unpack the tar file in a sibling directory to OSPray. That is /path/to/development/paraview so that you have /path/to/development/paraview/ispc-v1.8.2-osx (or the directory appropriate for your platform and desired version).

Now follow the build instructions,

cd OSPRay
mkdir build
cd build
../../cmake-3.4.0-rc1-Darwin-x86_64/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake \
   -DMPI_C_LIBRARIES="$MYMPI/lib/libmpi.dylib;$MYMPI/lib/libmpi_cxx.dylib" \
   -DMPI_C_INCLUDE_PATH="$MYMPI/include" \
   -DMPI_C_COMPILER="$MYMPI/bin/mpicc" \
   -DMPI_CXX_COMPILER="$MYMPI/bin/mpicxx" \
   -DMPIEXEC="$MYMPI/bin/mpiexec" \
make -j 4
# We won't make install

Try playing with some of the examples.

Now we go back to pvOSPRay installation. We apparently alter some of the ParaView source.

cd /path/to/development/paraview
cd ParaView/Plugins
git clone https://github.com/TACC/pvOSPRay.git
git checkout 4.4   # Needed to correspond to ParaView 4.4
cd ../../build
# If there's stuff in build, delete everything there

Now we run cmake as instructed for building ParaView, but add the following to the list of flags (before the last line of the cmake command)

    -DOSPRAY_BUILD_DIR=../OSPRay/build \

Follow the rest of the build steps.