Setting up this Blogdown site

Setting up this Blogdown site was way more complicated that I thought it would be. Mostly because I was trying to use someone else’s page as an example, but Hugo and the Academic theme have changed enough that many of the things he does do not work in this later version. The documentation is also not as clear as it needs to be to do things quickly. But in the end, it works and it looks pretty nice. Here are some tips that I learned,

  • Do not use someone else’s site for examples. If they are using an older version of Hugo or the Academic theme, things they do will not work and you’ll get blank or unformatted pages for no discernible reason.
  • Better to carefully read the Academic theme documentation. It follows a tutorial format, so if you have a specific question it’s hard to find the answer - but it’s there.
  • The Blogdown documentation is lacking in detail. There are some tutorials online that are good for getting started, such as the Advanced R Markdown Workshop tutorial at rstudio::conf 2019 (see here for a list of all talks and tutorials).
  • Github is serving the site. It wasn’t easy to find out how to set that up. This post is what worked and the two-branch solution, while a little clumsy, is pretty straightforward.
  • At one point I included a talk that was a large PDF file and tried to push that to Github. Github rejected the push as the file exceeded their size limits. Getting that file out of my git history proved to be impossible (despite trying many tricks with git filter-tree). I eventually deleted my local repository entirely and just cloned it again from Github. Luckily, I didn’t have that many changes and were able to keep those files.

Here are some items I don’t want to forget,

  • Personal information, including the bio, goes in content/authors/admin/
  • Menu items are in config/_default/menus.toml
  • Files in content/home are widgets that may appear on the home page (controlled by the active flag). To link to such widgets in the menu, use #filename_base like #posts.
  • To link to a “section”, e.g. a directory in content, use section/ like talks/.
  • The main configuration is in config.toml, but some things are in config/_default/params.toml like sharing.
  • The public directory needs to be committed and pushed or else the subtree won’t work.

That’s it!

Adam L. Lyon
Senior Scientist,
Scientific Computing Division,
Associate Division Head for Science

My research interests include Muon physics, Scientific Computing, and Quantum Computing.